About The Maine Professional Guides Association

Guiding has had a long and colorful history in Maine. From when Cornelia “Fly Rod” Crosby was issued the first Maine guide’s license in 1897 to today, thousands of guides have worked to provide clients a great experience in the Maine outdoors.

Established in 1978, the Maine Professional Guides Association is proud to be the largest, oldest organization of Maine guides, with over 1000 members and a 35 year history. Our members provide great recreational opportunities everywhere from the remotest parts of the state to the most populated. From sea kayaking to fly fishing or bear hunting, we have something for everyone. 

We hold our members to high standards to ensure the best experience for clients, promote safety, and support conservation and education efforts that ensure the future of guiding. Each of our members is required to sign a code of ethics, pledging to provide quality service, promote safety, obey all laws, cooperate with wildlife officials and landowners, and support conservation and education, Our guides are certified by the state in one of the following fields: hunting, fishing, recreation, sea kayaking or whitewater rafting, and are trained in first aid so that they are prepared to handle any problems that might arise.

The MPGA also benefits guides in several ways. We hire a lobbyist to provide representation for guides on important issues. Through partnerships with many businesses, we’ve put together a program that provides our members with discounts on outdoor gear, insurance, and more.

Supporting or being part of the Maine Professional Guides Association supports Maine's guiding heritage and shows you to be one of the elite!