Maine Professional Guides Association Offering Web Service to Assist Moose Permit Holders
The Maine Professional Guides Association online web service to help hunters get the permit that they want is up and running again, ready for moose hunters to sign in and find their ideal permit.
This service to Maine’s moose hunters comes from the Association’s commitment to every moose hunter having the hunt of a lifetime. Being drawn in the moose permit lottery is an all too rare event and hunters frequently receive permits in zones that they are not familiar with or want to hunt. is designed to help those hunters find other hunters who would like to find a permit in another zone or season.
To use this service as a moose permit holder, you will need to know the details of your permit and the permit that you would like to have (Wildlife Management District, season, permit type). You will first be asked to become a member of price $39.95 and then to enter their permit information. Once you are a member you can set up and save a search for the exact permit you are interested in swapping for, and you will receive an e-mail message from the system every time someone joins offering a permit that fits your search. Once you’ve found a match, you can contact the permit holder that you wish to swap with and arrange the details.
Swaps are performed at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Headquarters in Augusta and can only be completed after both permits are paid for. Permits may be swapped until two weeks before the start of the September moose hunt.
The Maine Professional Guides Association is composed of Registered Maine Guides who strive to enhance the standards of the guiding industry. They are professional guides dedicated to promoting a quality, ethical and legal outdoor experience for all. Not all Registered Maine Guides are members of Maine Professional Guides Association