Annual Banquet & Auction

The banquet will be held on Saturday, April 5th at Jeff’s Catering in Brewer, starting at 5:00 PM.

Photo Credit: Mike Tuminaro

Saturday, April 5, 2025

Jeff’s Catering in Brewer

Happy Hour at 4:00
Dinner at 5 PM

An important change to this event is that you must pay in advance (no more pay at the door) and we will send you tickets for entry. 

Banquet Gun Raffle Package*

The Packet includes all of the following:
  • One Armlength of  Bucket Tickets ($20 value)
  • One Armlength of 50/50 Tickets ($20 value)
  • Six chances for $500 cash drawings
  • Gun Drawing for 2 BLR’s:
  • One playing card that has been torn in half. If we draw the matching half to yours, you win!
  • Gun value over $(1200)

There are ONLY 108 Packets being sold and they only cost $150 per packet!

*Limited tickets available at the door. Please consider pre-buying.

Or contact Brandon Lane directly at 207-431-7492 or

Super Raffle

Tickets are $20.00/ea or 6 for $100.00:
  • Included:
    ·  $500.00 LL Bean Gift Cert.
    ·  Henry 45-70 Side Gate Lever Action (Blued)
    ·  $1000 Visa CardOne

Roger Lambert will be helping with the auction this year so be ready for some quick wit and a fun time. The guest speaker will be from IF&W. 

We will be having another Youth gun given away again this year!  Attendees 15 and under get a free chance for the drawing for a Winchester 22 at the banquet.

Banquet tickets

  • $55 – Single
  • $100 – Couple
  • $400 – Table of 8
  • $25 Youth – (15 & Under)

This cost covers a delicious meal, an evening of great company,  and the knowledge that you are helping support the future of the Maine Professional Guides Association.

Please make checks out to Maine Professional Guides Association or MPGA

Mail payment to MPGA PO Box 266, Augusta, ME 04332

We hope to see you there!