Membership Information

You have selected the Introductory Membership (Year 1) membership level.

First year only. New members.

The price for membership is $115.00 now and then $160.00 per Year.

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Account Information

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Make a Gift

Make a one time gift with your initial membership payment. Your gift helps support the MPGA.


All memberships must be approved before becoming active. After checkout, your information will be reviewed by the MPGA and you will receive email confirmation upon approval.

Please use the following format: 55 Morrison Hill Road, Wilton, Maine 04294

Format: 207-555-4294

Please upload a copy of your guide license to be reviewed for membership approval.

Select all categories you are licensed to guide in.

Guide Profile

Format: 207-555-4294

Please enter the full url including https://

Please use the following format: 55 Morrison Hill Road, Wilton, Maine 04294

The Guide Bio will appear on the Find a Guide page and is used to generate search results.

Select the Wildlife Management Districts you operate in. NOTE: please select the districts that you operate within, even if your services are not governed by wmds. These districts are used to filter the guide list by location.

Would you like to set up automatic renewals?

Billing Address

Payment Information
